Because the caregiver and the care receiver live together 24 hours a day, the caregiver's skills and personal qualities are extremely important. We keep that in mind at all times. The caregivers we select are experienced, compassionate, and hardworking people with stable personalities and cheerful, positive outlooks. You or your loved one will feel safe and comfortable. Our screening and selection process ensures that.
Live-in caregivers comprise various nationalities, including Eastern & Central European countries , Asia and Canada. About 10% are Americans. All caregivers we work with live in the United States and speak English. Caregivers are either US citizens or have green cards or visas with work permits.
Good People selects only caregivers with the appropriate level of skills and experience in the care giving field. Their backgrounds vary. Most are college graduates with different interests and talents. Many have medical backgrounds from their home countries (we have placed medical students, interns or foreign licensed medical doctors, nurses and physical therapists). Caregivers provide level of care that a family member can provide: administer medication, catheter, ostomy bag, trache tube, feeding tube, insulin (including sliding scale), hoyer-lift, etc. to name a few.
Ages of caregivers range from early twenties to late fifties. We place both women and men as caregivers. Based on your preferences, we find the caregiver you are looking for.
We work with good people.